Monday, July 29, 2013

What is 5S?

5S is a basic, fundamental, systematic approach to quality, productivity and safety improvement. 
It is relevant to all businesses and focuses on:
  • Having visual order
  • Organisation
  • Cleanliness
  • Standardisation
The benefits of 5S are:
  • Improved visual communication
  • Improved safety
  • Improved productivity
  • Improved morale
  • Improved use of space
  • Reduced inventory and supply costs
  • Showcasing your work area
  • A higher quality of customer service
The results are improved:
  • Profitability
  • Efficiency
  • Service
  • Safety
Contact us on 1300 880 338 to talk to one of our Business Improvement Consultants on creating meaningful change in your organisation.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

TIMWOODS - 7 + 1 Wastes (Taken from Toyota Way Fieldbook)

Here is some more information in regards to the seven plus one wastes often discussed around Lean Six Sigma.
  • Transportation or conveyance Moving work in process (WIP) from place to place in a process, even if it is only a short distance. Or having to move materials, parts, or finished goods into or out of storage or between processes.
  • Inventory Excess raw material, WIP, or finished goods causing longer lead times, obsolescence, damaged goods, transportation and storage costs, and delay. Also, extra inventory hides problems such as production imbalances, late deliveries from suppliers, defects, equipment downtime, and long setup times.
  • Movement Any motion employees have to perform during the course of their work other than adding value to the part, such as reaching for, looking for, or stacking parts, tools, etc. Also, walking is waste.
  • Waiting (time on hand) Workers merely serving as watch persons for an automated machine, or having to stand around waiting for the next processing step, tool, supply, part, etc., or just plain having no work because of no stock, lot processing delays, equipment downtime, and capacity bottlenecks.
  • Overproduction Producing items earlier or in greater quantities than needed by the customer. Producing earlier or more than is needed generates other wastes, such as over-staffing, storage, and transportation costs because of excess inventory. Inventory can be physical inventory or a queue of information.
  • Over processing or incorrect processing Taking unneeded steps to process the parts. Inefficiently processing due to poor tool and product design, causing unnecessary motion and producing defects. Waste is generated when providing higher quality products than is necessary. At times extra “work” is done to fill excess time rather than spend it waiting.
  • Defects Production of defective parts or correction. Repairing of rework, scrap, replacement production, and inspection means wasteful handling, time, and effort.
  • Skills under utilised Losing time, ideas, skills, improvements, and learning opportunities by not engaging or listening to your employees.
Please contact us to find out how we can help you eliminate these wastes from your business.